CASA0023 Remote Sensing Cities and Environment


Guk Yu


March 24, 2023


Hello! Welcome to my learning diary for CASA0023 Remote Sensing Cities and Environments at the Centre for Advance Spatial Analysis, UCL London.

I am a socio-cultural geographer, a producer in the culture sector and a spatial data scientist (!) . I got my undergraduate degree at the London School of Economics in Human Geography where I studied topics from urban planning, economic geography, and international development to investigating urban socio-spatial dynamics and role of the creative sector in urban space.

After graduation, I entered the cultural sector where I worked in theatre, dance, visual art and moving images programme curation and production in Hong Kong and London for three years.

At CASA, I am looking to develop my geographic knowledge, gain technical skills and - hopefully - enter the field of urban sustainability. I am particularly interested in the topics of public housing, social justice and climate resilience !


This learning diary is the assignment output of CASA00023 Remote Sensing Cities and Environment. This book is broken down by weeks, each with a different learning objective.

This book is created from R markdown and executable code.